Abbeville, SC Criminal Defense Attorney

South Carolina Criminal Defense Attorney

Abbeville SC Criminal Defense Attorney Charles Grose

Criminal Law Attorney Charles Grose Serves Clients in Abbeville, South Carolina.

Abbeville, SC criminal defense attorney Charles Grose has over 20 years experience. If you or a loved one has been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, contact Charles today at 864-538-4466 to schedule a consultation or fill out our online contact request on this website.

Abbeville, SC Criminal Defense Legal Services:

If you’ve been charged with any of the below crimes, contact us today. Abbeville criminal defense lawyer Charles Grose has an incredibly strong track record for protecting clients against unjust charges and unreasonable penalties.

From our Abbeville Criminal Law Blog:

Special Concerns Involving Juvenile Sex Offender Registration by South Carolina Criminal Law Attorney Charles Grose

“Whether a state can require lifetime juvenile sex offender registration without offering a juvenile a jury trial has never been addressed by the Supreme Court of the United States or the Supreme Court of South Carolina…”